Looking back over the year I was surprised at the amount (but not the variety) of music I had been sent so I have decided to do a Review Show. Now this may seem easy to do, pick out a few tracks, load them up, sort out the running order and off we go - but no Sir it is not. With the variety and amount of music you've sent me I can't get the list to just one show so I've spilled over to two shows and this wasn't enough. I want to play one track from as many of you who have contributed to this years Show by sending in your music so it looks like January 2014 is to be entirely a Review of 2013 as I'm now into FOUR shows of music as I'm not that good at leaving stuff out. So there will be no 'Time for Tom' this week and maybe not for the whole month as Tom has yet to send me in any of his music!
So here is 'Review of the Year - Show One'
ARTIST ................................................. TRACK
Johnny Winter (featuring Derek Trucks). Dust My Broom
Peat Bog Fiaries ...................................... Room 215
Jez Hellard and the Djukella Orchestra .. Songbirds
Alex Chance ............................................ I Never Hear
Qristina and Quin Bachand ..................... Lark in the Morning, The Miller's Maggot
De Temps Anlan ..................................... Petipetan
Bill Adair ................................................ St James' Infirmary
Dubl Handi ............................................. Fall on My Knees
Jenny Ritter ............................................ Weathervane
Ange Hardy ............................................ White as Snow
Nobody's Business ................................. San Fransisco Bay Blues
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Here are the piccies