just had to blast out another show this week, what with getting ready for Glastonbury Festival and the like. But another play out for Ange Hardy's 'The Lament of The Black Sheep' Both the Campbell's get an outing with some more old vinyl and the usual features 'What's in the Post?' 'The Morris Round Up' and 'Time for Tom?'
Here's the link to the show
ARTIST .................................... TRACK
Alison Krauss and Union Station .. Choctaw Hayride
ZZ Top ........................................ Ten Dollar Man
Ange Hardy ................................. The Lament of the Black Sheep
Tony Hollins ................................. I'll Get a Break
Wiggly Tendrils ............................ One Time Friend
Tim Buckley ................................. Song of the Sirens
Alex Campbell ............................. Will Ye Go Lassie Go
Wille and the Bandits .................... Galloping Horses
April Verch .................................. Broken
The Hoax ..................................... Hipslicker
Ian Campbell ............................... Twa Recruiting Sargents
Todd Briton ................................. The Hiker
Tom Waits ................................... Shiver Me Timbers
and here are the piccies !!